Where The Ultimate Bull Run Begins! Contract Address: 0xcc0abe0af0b5056b8b9c6d1996348c7b820ee0ca
Why? As we build our community of traders with a shared goal of achieving financial freedom together, we recognized the need for a unifying element that aligns with our core values of learning and growth. Introducing $TUBR was a natural step in this journey. Trading is at the heart of what we do, and our community token not only unifies our members but also provides a tangible way to support and reward each other. $TUBR is a place to implement the knowledge we've been relentlessly sharing.
What? Meet $TUBR - The Ultimate Bull Run token, our official community token on the Base Chain. This is designed for those of us who are bullish about the future of crypto. Investing in $TUBR means you're part of our community, where we learn, grow, and chase financial freedom. Let's lead this bull run together and make some history with $TUBR!
How? We're excited for you to join us and invest in $TUBR! To make the process as smooth as possible, we've created a step-by-step video guide. This video will walk you through buying $TUBR on Coinbase Wallet.
Check out our YouTube tutorial here.
Jump in and start your journey with $TUBR today!
Total Transparency
Our Commitment to You.
Total Supply: 1 Billion
Liquidation Pool: 255.7 Million
Creator's Holdings: 83.9 Million
Community Building: 213.8 Million
Community Allocation: 446.57 Million
Liquidity Provided So Far
Date $TUBR / $WETH
2024/07/02 4,690,037 / 0.1251
2024/06/08 2,259,855 / 0.0009676
2024/06/08 6,000,000 / 0.002569
2024/06/08 110,003,230 / 0.04564
2024/06/07 52,373,187 / 0.004379
2024/06/07 80,388,351 / 0.005686
LP tokens are burnt: Proof
Creator's Holding reserved for marketing & airdrops.
Community Allocation is available for BULLS like you
"The Spirit of the bull lives within you"
2024 Terms of Use
All Rights Reserved
The Utimate Bull Run
The Ultimate Bull Run
The Spirit of the bull lives within you
2024 all Rights Reserved Term of use (c) The Ultimate Bull Run